Our subsidiaries
Kiowatt S.A. was founded in 2008 and is held in equal shares by the Belgian company „Woodpar“, which is 100% owned by the Francois Group, and LuxEnergie S.A. The company has two main energy objectives: the use of waste wood to generate electrical energy and heat, and the maximum use of this heat to achieve optimum efficiency.
In operation since 2013 at its site in Roost, Kiowatt S.A. consumes 42,000 tons of Luxembourg waste wood per year in its cogeneration plant, located at the heart of the installation. This allows the annual production of 23.5 GWh of electrical energy, which is fed into the public grid, and 106 GWh of heat, enough to supply 10,600 households.

This heat is used for :
- the drying of fresh wood during the pellet manufacturing process
- the production of cold to cool the LuxConnect data centre, the first “green data centre in the world
- the supply of the heat network of the municipality of Bissen.
Furthermore, 70,000 tons of wood pellets “made in Luxembourg” are produced annually, which is equivalent to the consumption of 34,000 households.

The contribution of Kiowatt to combating climate change :
By generating electricity, heat, cold and pellets, Kiowatt can even be described as a quadrigeneration site, which allows about 74,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions to be saved.
In order to present this extensive biomass project to as large audience, Kiowatt offers group visits of the plant to interested parties.

DataCenterEnergie S.A.
This company was founded in 2008 and is held by the two equally participating shareholders LuxConnect S.A. and LuxEnergie S.A.
The purpose of the company is to finance, construct, operate and supply energy to data centres. Today, the clientele mainly comprises the data centres of LuxConnect S.A.
The company strives to optimise technology and its various processes with a view to continually improving energy efficiency. At 2.0 data centre in Roost, this optimisation process has resulted in an innovative energy concept that allows cooling to be generated from the heat produced by the Kiowatt project.
Four data centres are currently in operation: 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 in Bettembourg and 2.0 in Roost.
In these data centres, IT companies can rent premises for IT servers. The premises fulfil all functions and security requirements with regard to the fail-safe power supply and air conditioning necessary for this type of activity.

Airport-Energy S.A.
The company Airport-Energy S.A. was founded in 2004 by lux-Airport S.A. and LuxEnergie S.A. in equal shares.
Airport-Energy S.A. has two energy plants:
- The combined heat and power plant generates heat, cold and emergency power for the passenger terminal and Terminal B.
- A second energy plant supplies the Cargolux hangar in Sandweiler with heat, cold and compressed air. The compressed air is used for pneumatic tools and for turbine tests on the aircraft.